Our Patriot Ancestors

The Asthon Sosi Chapter, NSDAR, Daughters gratefully acknowledge

the dedication and sacrifice made by our Patriot ancestors.



David Austin, Sr.

David Austin, Jr.

John Botsford

Eleazar Butler

John Harmon

Jared Lee

Timothy Lee

William Lee

John Phelps

Thomas Snow

Asa Spofford

William Stark


Jacob Burgoon, Sr.

Thomas Reinhard

Samuel Richardson

Arthur Thomas Taul


Simeon Bigelow

Amariah Harris

Lemuel Capen

Noah Munn

Ichabod Pinkham

Silas Taft

James Taylor

William Thompson

Nathaniel White

Oliver Wilson

New Hampshire

Abijah Bailey

James Bailey

John Goff, Sr.

Henry Lovejoy

Goffe Moore

John Moore

Samuel Moore

Edward Sanborn

Jonathan West

New Jersey

Jonathan Condit

Philip Condit, Sr.

Isaac Whitehead

New York

John Clint

Adam Conrad

Charles Durland

Peter Heydorn

Adam Loucks, Sr.

Jost Loucks

William Helmas Simmons

Michael Van Der Cook

Simon Van Der Cook

Hendrick Vanderhof

Simon Veeder

John Jacob Wagar

Cornelius Wiltse

North Carolina

Benjamin Cobb

Robert Davis

William Gannon

Francis Kenner

Highty Martin

Henry Massengill Sr

Solomon Massengill

Obadiah Moore

John Scalf

Peter Stoner

Henry Summerour

Jesse Taliaferro

John Tatum

Thomas Tucker

Henry Whitner, Sr.


William Chain

Barnett Cunningham

John Custer

Joseph Downing

David Eaton

Jacob Fetter

Casper Hill

Mathias Hook

Marcus Huling, Jr.

James Ireland

John Kneisley

John Jacob Pee

Rhode Island

Jesse Jenks


South Carolina

Christopher Gayle

Josiah Gayle, Sr.


Jonathan Hayes



Peter Brickey

Nicholas Joseph Cardinal

George Catt

William Clopton

James Doswell

William Fuson

Abraham Hornbeck

Alexander Kelly

William Manker

Elisha Meredith

John Overlin

Adam Peck

Jacob Peck

Jeremiah Priest

John Roller

Patrick Sharkey

William Snelling

John Wilson

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Banner photo taken by a member of the Asthon Sosi Chapter, NSDAR, and used with permission.